2019 saw Hobson & Porter become one of the first contractors in the region to achieve the Building Information Modelling (BIM) Level Two standard.
2019 saw Hobson & Porter become one of the first contractors in the region to achieve the Building Information Modelling (BIM) Level Two standard.
The status from the accrediting body British Standards Institution (BSI) demonstrates our capabilities in the creation, collation and exchange of shared 3D models and a range of intelligent, structured data.
It follows two years of hard work, hours of training, changes of processes and a six-figure investment of new software and technology.
BIM is the management of information through the whole life cycle of a built asset – from the initial design, all the way through to constructing and maintaining through the use of digital modelling.
Achieving this standard is a massive step for Hobson & Porter. It will future proof our business and enable us to work more collaboratively with our suppliers and bring greater value to our clients.